“Masked: The Legend of Kuchisake Onna” [1979]

Kuchisake Onna is a spooky woman from Japanese tales. She wears a mask to hide her mouth, and asks people, “Am I pretty?” If you say yes, she takes off her mask, revealing a mouth cut ear to ear. Then she asks, “How about now?” If you say no, she uses scissors to cut your mouth like hers.
Table of Contents
Story Behind Kuchisake Onna?
- In ancient Japan, there lived a woman named Kuchisake Onna.
- She was once beautiful, but her husband became jealous and cut her mouth from ear to ear.
- After being disfigured, Kuchisake Onna covered her mouth with a mask.
- At night, she would approach people and ask, “Am I pretty?”
- If they said yes, she would reveal her scar and ask again, “Even like this?”
- Those who said no or screamed in fear were attacked by her with scissors or a knife.
- Kuchisake Onna became a ghostly legend, haunting the streets and seeking revenge for her ruined beauty.

Real Case of Kuchisake Onna?
Panic in Tokyo: Kuchisake-onna Strikes Again
Last night, the otherwise peaceful town of Yuramachi was thrown into chaos after a series of brutal attacks believed to be the work of the vengeful spirit, Kuchisake-onna.
The first victim was a young boy, Takeshi, walking home from his karate club. Witnesses reported seeing a beautiful woman with long black hair approaching him. When Takeshi lowered his guard to answer her question about his handsome scar, a horrifying grin split her face wide open, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth. Takeshi screamed, but it was too late. The woman vanished, leaving Takeshi with a deep, jagged slash across his face.
News of the attack spread like wildfire. Panic surged through Yuramachi as parents kept their children indoors. Then, just as the town began to breathe a shaky sigh of relief, another attack occurred. This time, the victim was a young woman, Hana, walking home from her evening shift at the bakery. Hana, unlike Takeshi, wasn’t alone. Her friend, Miki, witnessed the entire horrifying scene. According to Miki’s frantic report to the police, Kuchisake-onna appeared even more grotesque this time, her eyes glowing red in the moonlight. Hana, recognizing the legend, bravely refused to answer the spirit’s question. But Kuchisake-onna wasn’t deterred. With inhuman speed, she lashed out, slashing Hana’s cheek before disappearing into the night.
The police are baffled. No trace of the attacker has been found. Fear has gripped Yuramachi. Is Kuchisake-onna real? And if so, how can they stop her?
Who is Kuchisake-onna?
Kuchisake-onna, or “Slit-Mouthed Woman,” is a terrifying figure in Japanese folklore. She’s a vengeful spirit with a mouth stretched ear-to-ear.
What’s her story?
There are many variations, but most say she was a beautiful woman who was cheated on and disfigured. Now a vengeful spirit, she preys on people.
What does she do?
Legend says she approaches people, often children, wearing a mask. She asks if they think she’s pretty. If they say yes, she reveals her horrifying mouth and asks again. Depending on the story, she might attack or force the victim to smile like her.
How can you escape her?
There are different ways in different stories. Some say giving a confusing answer, like “you look average,” throws her off. Others say offering candy or praising her other features helps.
Why is she so scary?
The combination of her grotesque appearance, the surprise attack, and the play on beauty makes her a very unsettling legend.